Need advice on giving character to your swimming pool? black tiles presents itself as the appropriate option. Discover in this article the advantages and disadvantages of this coating as well as the reasons to choose it.
Need advice on giving character to your swimming pool? black tiles presents itself as the appropriate option. Discover in this article the advantages and disadvantages of this coating as well as the reasons to choose it.
Intense structured anti-slip
Psychologically, black evokes sophistication, luxury and elegance. A black tiles will bring character to your swimming pool. It can also make it unique, provided you work well on its decoration and its environment.
A black pool tiles will create a more chic setting in your decor. This dark covering goes perfectly with a contemporary style house. To reinforce the urban look of your property, you can opt for a mosaic tinted in pearly black or plain black.
Depending on your point of view, black can recall nature. With black tiles, your pool will have a more natural appearance. The color of the covering will especially promote the mirror effect which allows the pool to blend into the decor. If your swimming pool is installed in a green garden, its black background will reinforce this natural effect. It will then have an appearance similar to that of a lake or a river.
The black swimming pool is also an interesting solution if you are looking for a sober and elegant style. The dark color of the tiles will bring out the luxury effect of a modern residence with a garden.
Finally, the black color is practical, because your tiled pool will always appear clean. It will preserve the shine of the water by masking the presence of algae and dirt. However, it is strongly recommended to always clean your swimming pool regularly.
Have you chosen to have black tiles for your swimming pool? Before going any further with the work, know that there are 3 main categories of pool tiles . Each has different aspects, even if you opt for a black color.
They have the advantage of adapting to different styles. These coverings are also the most common in terms of pool cladding, pool edges and swimming pools. They are appreciated for their resistance to climatic variations and chemical attacks. These materials also tolerate discoloration caused by UV rays well.
Compared to the previous two categories, natural stone tiles are less used as swimming pool coverings. Not only are they expensive, but their implementation is more complex. They can be made from quartzite, granite or even lava stone. However, stone-effect porcelain stoneware tiles are a better alternative.
Un carrelage piscine de couleur noire comporte quelques inconvénients qu’il convient de connaître si vous comptez opter pour ce revêtement.
Premièrement, la couleur noire s’avère facilement sujette aux éraflures et rayures comparées aux tons plus clairs. Pour cette raison, il est crucial d’utiliser des produits nettoyants non abrasifs. Il faudra également éviter les objets rugueux et pointus dans la piscine.
Deuxièmement, le noir peut absorber la chaleur. C’est une caractéristique qui se présente comme étant un inconvénient, mais elle peut aussi devenir un avantage. Tout dépend de votre région de résidence. Une piscine noire apportera notamment de l’inconfort dans les régions très ensoleillées. L’eau de la piscine pourrait devenir anormalement chaude. Il serait, alors, nécessaire d’utiliser des systèmes de refroidissement et de chauffage pour mieux gérer la température de l’eau.
Troisièmement, les carreaux noirs de la piscine sont susceptibles de nuire à la sécurité des usagers. Avec un fond sombre, il devient difficile de déterminer la profondeur du bassin. De la même manière, les objets pouvant être présents dans l’eau seront moins visibles. Pour préserver la sécurité des enfants et des nageurs peu expérimentés, il faudra installer des éclairages subaquatiques. Ces luminaires spéciaux amélioreront la visibilité des nageurs et réduiront les risques de blessures.
The swimming pool with black tiles fits perfectly into a chic and modern garden. The color of the coating promotes the mirror effect of the water. All the decor around the pool will be reflected, creating a setting worthy of magazines.
The black coating also creates an illusion of space which will especially work in favor of small pools. Tiling will make them appear larger, while adding a visual effect of depth.
As black hides stains and impurities better, the pool water will look clean at all times. Daily dirt will be less visible. You will have the possibility to postpone the cleaning of your swimming pool until a more convenient time if necessary. Regardless, it is always recommended to clean it as regularly as possible.
Finally, the black porcelain or ceramic coating is durable. It has the advantage of resisting difficult conditions. With proper maintenance, your swimming pool tiles will last a long time.
The dark color of swimming pool tiles can be enough to give an elegant appearance to your exterior. However, it is possible to make your swimming pool even more attractive, for example, by adding neutral copings. At this time, prefer matte or dark gray to accentuate the sobriety of your decor.
The combination of the black tiles of the swimming pool with the neutral tones of the copings will accentuate the contemporary and modern style. Installing a swimming pool deck will also allow you to highlight the design effect of your black swimming pool. Do you want it to be brighter? Simply mix light shades with dark shades.
To successfully complete this technique, choose white paving and anthracite gray copings.
Furthermore, be aware that the shape of your swimming pool directly impacts the overall effect it will produce. To look sophisticated, opt for a simple geometric shape, preferably rectangular.
It is recommended to maintain your pool once every two or three months. Also carry out a thorough cleaning at the end of wintering. Clean the bottom of the pool, the walls and the stairs using a swimming pool brush. If you have a large pool, use a vacuum cleaner.
Using a special brush, clean the joints of your pool as soon as they start to turn black. Regarding tiling, choose maintenance with soapy water or baking soda.
Are the tiles old or prone to encrusted dirt? Carry out a thorough cleaning using a high pressure cleaner. At this time, the pool will need to be completely emptied. When you use the device, keep its lance at a suitable distance to preserve the condition of the black tiles.
Note that this is an aggressive process. This is why it is best to use it only occasionally.
black tiles gives your pool a more sophisticated look and makes it unique. Although this coating has some disadvantages, it has undeniable aesthetic and practical advantages. No matter the size of the pool, he is capable of transforming it into a real gem.