ExPosés, shoot your floor ! – A photographic journey from single fired tiles to internet
Novoceram, French ceramics manufacturer since 1863, presents an online competition and a photo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Centre « The Consortium » of Dijon, both celebrating the extraordinary evolution of ceramic technology in recent decades and the consequential changes which embellish our everyday scenarios.
Novoceram, French ceramics manufacturer since 1863, presents « ExPosés, Shoot your floor!« , a multi-channel event, that begins with an online contest on the Facebook page of the Company and continues with a photographic exhibition in the Centre for Contemporary Art « Le Consortium » in Dijon (France) where the images and the content posted by fans are temporarily installed between the artworks of the great masters of contemporary art, permanently displayed in the Centre.
The exhibition combines photographs with ceramic materials of last generation to approach the topic of the extraordinary evolution of ceramic technology which occurred over the last decades and analyze how it has affected our everyday scenarios.
Taking part in the online contest, is simple: participants have to send an original picture of theirselves on their old tiled floor. The author of the photo who gets most votes wins a tablet iPad 2 Wifi 16 Go blanc Apple, while the author of a second image chosen by the internal jury of Novoceram wins a GPS GPS TomTom XXL Classic Europe.
The best photos of the contest become protagonists in an exhibition in the spaces of the centre « Le Consortium » among other photographs by Roe Ethridge, installations by Valérie Snoebeck, and the artworks by Fernand Léger, Gustave Courbet, Jean Lurçat and other important pieces of contemporary and modern art by masters displayed in the exhibition « Le Monde comme volonté et comme papier peint ».
The main objective of the Exposition is to highlight the extraordinary evolution of ceramic technology during the last decades, by comparing the pictures of old tiles floors, taken by Fans, with the panels of state-of-the-art ceramic materials produced nowadays by Novoceram: the visitors will appreciate how this significant evolution has transformed our everyday scenarios..
To follow the backstage and all the secrets of » ExPosés, Shoot your floor! » and to (re)discover all the other Novoceram events, visit the Website or our Facebook page.
NAME : Exposés, shoot your floor!
CONTEXT: the Centre for Contemporary Art « Le Consortium » in Dijon (France)
TYPOLOGY: Online contest and exposition
CONCEPT : Engage Facebook Fans of Novoceram in a photographic contest and design together the artistic material to be displayed in an offline Art Exposition at Dijon: the photos taken by Fans are installed side by side to the artworks of great masters of contemporary and modern art, such as Gustave Courbet, Fernand Léger or Cindy Sherman.
DATE: July 2012
OFFICIAL WEBSITE : novoceram.com
FACEBOOK : facebook.com/novoceram
TWITTER : twitter.com/novoceram
GOOGLE+ : plus.google.com/+novoceram
PINTEREST : pinterest.com/novoceram/
LINKEDIN : linkedin.com/company/novoceram
YOUTUBE : youtube.com/user/novoceram
FLICKR : flickr.com/photos/novoceram
The story of Novoceram started in 1863 in Saint-Vallier-sur-Rhône. With its 4 million m² of annual production, 42 million Euros of sales, a production site surface of 120,000 m² and 170 employees, the company is one of the leading producers of ceramic tiles in France. Novoceram adopts a constant and coherent environmental policy that has enabled it to obtain ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental Management System and ISO 50001 certification for its Energy Management System. Novoceram has been part of the group Gruppo Concorde, one of the major producers of ceramic cladding in Europe, since 2000.
Our press office, the whole Novoceram team and Management are at your disposal for any further information or for an interview about the booths, the products or the company. Do not hesitate to contact us at: pressoffice@novoceram.fr.